Canadian turkey farmers are committed to ensuring the humane care and respectful treatment of their birds while providing wholesome and safe food to consumers.
All farmers who raise turkeys in Canada must meet or exceed the national standards outlined in the National Farm Animal Care Council’s (NFACC) Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Hatching Eggs, Breeders, Chickens, and Turkeys. The Code of Practice was developed by the Canadian poultry industry, along with researchers, retailers, the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies and the Federal Government. It outlines optimal housing, management, transportation and processing practices to ensure the highest standards of bird care, health and welfare are met. More information about NFACC and the Code development process can be found on their website.
Turkey Farmers of Canada has also developed and implemented an auditable national Flock Care Program© (FCP) to complement and augment the Code. The FCP applies the Code of Practice and requires detailed on-farm record-keeping and documentation to verify that farmers are meeting all requirements to properly handle and care for their birds.
To learn more about TFC’s Flock Care Program©, including program management, on-farm audits and specific farm management practices, read Our Responsibility, Our Commitment: A guide to the Turkey Farmers of Canada’s On-Farm Food Safety & Flock Care Programs, or download the complete TFC On-Farm Programs Manual.
read the TFC ON-Farm Programs manual
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Our Responsibility, Our Commitment
A guide to the Turkey Farmers of Canada’s On-Farm Food Safety & Flock Care Programs.
read the Guide